Weeks Pregnant: 20-22! It’s safe to say this pregnancy is flying by!
Size of the baby: 20 Weeks: Banana size, 22 Weeks: Spaghetti Squash! Almost 11 inches and 1lb!
Emotional stuff: Things have been pretty good. Emotions have run high but I’m starting to expect that! I’m doing some major purging of my clothes and kid clothes that I don’t love. Using the Marie Kondo method of thanking each item for the part it played in our lives made it easier to purge things!
It still hasn’t hit me that there will be an actual little baby here in 4 months. I can’t wrap my head around it. So much to do before then!!
Physical stuff: These have been the absolute best two weeks of my pregnancy. I just caught a cold so that has slowed me down with aches and fatigue but luckily it hit on a weekend when S could take over. I also saw a neurologist and feel much better prepared to handle any future migraines. Maybe I’ll be spared future ones but if they come, I’ll be ready!
Baby is still super active. Still waiting for the right opportunity to get Q to feel some kicks but S has been able to feel lots. I had my laptop on my belly tonight and it kept wobbling around due to all the kids. I am in for it later on I think.
Sleep is decent once I am able to fall asleep. It gets so hot in our room and I run hot while pregnant anyhow. Now when I sleep I tend to stay in one position and when I wake up my top limbs will be asleep so that’s not very fun. I wake up every time I roll over so that’s not very fun either. I know it’s just going to get worse though!
I can’t stop eating: Whatever is around. Food is not my friend this pregnancy. I haven’t been craving or loving anything. I’m fortunate if I can just find things that taste good. Fresh fruit has been pretty good.
I can’t even look at: No real aversions.
Fitness: I haven’t been doing much. I need to decide if we want to keep the Y membership since we aren’t really using it…
Sibling Prep: Not much change from last entry. Q is excited for a sister. She wants to name her Annabelle. The boy name she has picked out is “Bluuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh”, like the sound of vomiting. 🙂 Aren’t almost five year olds precious?
Birth prep: We have our Doula booked. That’s about it so far. It’s sneaking up on me though.
Baby prep: Went through old baby clothes and purged the ones I don’t love. That was liberating. We also got some of our baby gear back from friends that so now we have actual baby stuff. WEIRD!