Category Archives: 52 Week Project

Indoor Ball Pit!
The ball pit is back! Last Christmas we gave Q a ball pit and it was her favorite toy. I needed a safe place for her toView full post »

Polar Vortex
This was kind of a crazy week for our family. I visited my friend in Dallas to take newborn photos for her and help outView full post »

Bringing the Snow Inside!
Here we are again at the start of another year and I am full of good intentions for blogging and keeping up up with ourView full post »

One From The Weekend
Maybe someday I’ll go back and add posts from the 52 week project that I pretty much abandoned, but until then IView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 9
A quick family photo since it’s been a few weeks. Someday I will live in a house with amazing natural light. ::View full post »

52 Week Project: Week 8
February in Chicago is not known for beautiful weather and even though it has been a mild winter, we still had to stayView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 7
This weekend was a Valentine’s Day party with some of the Cranes. Q quickly fell in love with the Elefun game. WeView full post »

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I cannot believe that my little nugget has turned into such a big kid! Last year’s Valentine’s Day shoot wasView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 6
This week I waited until the last minute and handed the camera off to my husband to get a shot of us on the couchView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 5
Winter time is my slow season for photography so I have more free time than I do the rest of the year. Even though itView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 4
Here’s a peek into our evening routine. We start with dinner after Steve gets home from work. Q loves clementinesView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 3
This week we had the second snow of winter. The snow from last week only lasted about a day before it all melted. So, weView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 2
This winter has been unseasonably warm and we’ve been making the most of it by getting outside as much as possibleView full post »

52 Week Project: Week 1
Happy New Year. This is the time of year when 365 (or this year, 366) photo projects take off and I know myself wellView full post »