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Category Archives: Letters To My Kids

I know you, Baby.

I know you, Baby. I’ve heard your voice and smelled your smell. Your face brings back long July nights in 2010 andView full post »

Dear Baby 3 – 9 weeks

Dear Baby 3, You gave mommy a scare today!! Last night I had some bleeding and we didn’t know what was happening.View full post »

Dear Q, 4.5

Dear Q, Holy Moly, you’re four and a half!!! You’re a full on Kid now and we are loving it! You’reView full post »

Dear TT -14 months

Dear TT, I can’t believe you are 14 months old. Didn’t you just turn one? Time is flying! This year betweenView full post »

Dear TT – 11 Months

Dear TT, For the past few months I have meant to write down your MANY accomplishments and changes on the blog but timeView full post »

Dear TT – 8 months

Dear TT, I can’t believe you’re already 8 months old! I feel like you’re barely a baby anymore evenView full post »

Dear Q, 3 Years Old

Dear Q, Three years ago at 2:01 AM on July 4th I met my daughter for the first time. The week that followed was one ofView full post »

Dear TT – 5 Months

Dear TT- Five months??? FIVE months? Hold the phone here. Where in the world did that time go? Too fast, too too tooView full post »

Dear Q, 2 1/2!

Dear Q, Hi big sister!! Your baby is here and you are so excited! You are such a great big sister to her and you wereView full post »

Dear TT, 8 Weeks Old

Dear TT, Wow. 8 weeks have flown by and it's hard to imagine our lives before you were here. You're starting toView full post »

Dear T – 3 weeks old

Dear T- It’s the middle of the night and you are three weeks old. I’ve been staring at your sleeping face for theView full post »

Dear Baby Two, 35 Weeks

Dear Baby T, Wow. This pregnancy has gone so quickly! I can hardly believe that we are going to meet you in just a fewView full post »

Dear Q, 27 months

Dear Q, 27 months is next week so I’m taking liberty. Right now you’re taking an epic nap and I don’tView full post »

Dear Q, Two Years Old

Dear Q, Wow, baby girl, you really aren’t a baby any more. How did two years pass in the blink of an eye? ::cueView full post »

Dear Baby Two, 21 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby, T-Rex, Crazy Child, I’m sitting here thinking about all the things I want to say to you and you’View full post »

Dear Q, 22 months

Dear Q, In two months you will be two years old and this fact completely blows my mind! Nearly all traces of Baby Q areView full post »

Dear Baby Two, 10 weeks pregnant

Dear Baby, I can’t believe I’m already in the double digits with this pregnancy, and second trimester isView full post »

Dear Baby Two, 4 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby, or should I say embryo? bundle of cells? Nah, we’ll stick to Baby. HI BABY!!! I hadn’t dared toView full post »