Dear Q,
Holy Moly, you’re four and a half!!! You’re a full on Kid now and we are loving it! You’re tall and super skinny. 33lbs! You have gorgeous brown hair that is halfway down your back and curls like a dream. You hate wearing ponytails and prefer to wear it down all the time. It’s lighter than Daddy’s hair but darker than mine. We all love your hair. 
You love your preschool. You attend four days a week and you wish you could go every day! Your best friend is Ryan and you talk about him all.the.time.
It’s adorable. You’re learning to write and basic reading. You’re great at sounding our short words and you’re starting to recognize certain words as sight words. You like to color and do projects at school but don’t seem very interested at home. Good thing you have school!
Other current favorites are Octonauts, My Little Pony and Equestria Girls, Wall-E and watching videos on YouTube. You find some of the strangest stuff on there! You seem to have moved past Frozen… for now. You like playing pretend with your princesses and you’re LOVING the crazy amount of snow we have right now. It was so fun seeing you jumping off huge snow piles yesterday!
You’re very opinionated and quick to point out when something is out of place or someone is breaking a rule. You’re still pretty particular with food, much to our frustration, and of course you and TT have totally different “go-to” foods. We’re working on it!
You’re very cuddly and loving. In fact, if you had a choice, you would be sitting on me or touching me 24/7. Honestly, it’s hard for me to handle sometimes since no one wants to be touched 24/7 but I try my best to enjoy it though because I know that soon enough, you won’t want to cuddle with me all the time. It goes so fast! Right now you’re sitting pretty much on top of me.
We’ve been getting things ready for Kindergarten next year. I can’t believe it’s almost here! It’s going to be bittersweet having you gone for full days! I’m ready and I’m not. You’re going to be SO excited!!
I love spending my days with you, even when you’re driving me nuts. You’re smart and funny and caring. I’m so thankful you’re mine.
Love Always,